Future of Defence

The elected representatives of Scotland, have a policy that says that Scotland will be defended by conventional forces only.

As previously discussed an independent Scotland does not want to have anything to do with Nuclear weapons, but wish to benefit from the collective defence offered by NATO.  They seem to be of the opinion that because they are Scotland, they deserve special treatment.  It should be pointed out that NATO’s collective defence has been built around the ultimate deterrence offered by Nuclear weaponry.

I suppose that Scottish political leaders are firmly of the view that defence relies on the goodwill of others. History teaches us that appeasement does not work and that by failing to have a strong defence and methods of deterrence we see the situation created by the Nazis  on the 1930s and more recently by Russia in the Crimea.  Being blind to the failings of others seems to be a failing of those that will only live on their principles.  The opposite of “War” is not “Peace“, but “Surrender“.

Both the Labour party in Scotland and now England/Wales as well as the nationalist parties want to strip the United Kingdom of its nuclear deterrence, this is both idealistic and extraordinarily naive.

The Scottish government have expressed the desire that Scotland becomes a nuclear free zone – I would, therefore, recommend to the government in Westminster that when planning for the replacement for the current Trident submarines, that they also factor in the cost of the building of a new base for the fleet in England, probably in Devonport.  When the time comes to decommission the bases at Coulport and also Faslane, that the cost of the redundancy is borne entirely by the government in Edinburgh, as the closure was entirely due to the policies of the Scottish Government.


Whilst much is being made by some political elites of the wrongs, injustices and other failings that are being meted on a section of society by the other political elites.  They always paint a picture that under their “inspired” leadership things will be considerably rosier.

No politician ever wants to tell you all the truth about what would be required in order to achieve their vision of utopia, after all if they truly costed their vision properly and the practical impacts that would result from the disentanglement of countries, they would struggle to sell their vision.

At its simplest level, every single institution that current exist within your country would have to be reproduced once you choose to go “Independent”.  What are the implications?

Let’s start at the beginning

First of all – the country has decided to go independent, but what does that really mean?

  • New Constitution
  • Political Representation
  • Political Parties
  • Public Services / New Ministries / New Agencies
  • International treaties
  • Cross Border Agencies
  • Setting Up A New Country
  • National Administration
  • Judicial Infrastructure
  • Procurement
  • Immigration
  • Shared Contracts
  • Negotiation for Separation
  • Shared National Services

These are only the starting points for discussion.  Anyone wanting to add new topics or even an article please let me know.

Devolution and the United Kingdom

Having had the result from referendum on 18th September, we know that Scotland has decided for know that it wants to remain as part of the United Kingdom for now.

Part of the commitments made was that greater powers would be devolved to Scotland. The government have said whatever powers are devolved should also be assigned to each nation within the union.  In addition a resolution of the “West Lothian Question” would be put in place. In essence Members of the Parliament (MPs) Westminster, would be allowed to vote on Legislation which applies to their particular part of the Union.  Would you believe that this has not always been the case? – politicians!

This would see to be fair redistribution of authority and powers and for all parts of the union to be treated fairly.

Labour Party

Whilst the Labour seems to be content to that Scotland has not abandoned the Union, after all 40 of the 59 Scottish MPs are Labour, they are not prepared to offer the same amount of devolution as the rest of the UK.


Yet again the English are supposed to be roll over and be compliant saps for the Labour Party.  Why are the English not entitled to the same rights as the Scots/Welsh/Northern Irish?

Is this another case of Labour Party trying to ensure that the English are able to govern themselves.  Setting regional devolution is a not started as it would mean that we are unable to govern effectively and make England the way the English want it.  Or is it another case of the Labour Party wanting to retain power at all costs.  There is nothing wrong with MPs for a specific region being the only ones allowed to vote on Legislation that only affects them.  If Scotland wants to lower the rate of Income tax, that should be the rights of the MSPs, but it should be done on the understanding that no additional funds will be transferred from other parts of the UK to subsidise their operating model.

In essence we should turn the UK into a federated Kingdom, with some aspects reserved to the Central Government in Westminster, such as Defence, Foreign Policy and departments which have a national remit, such as Passports, driving licences etc..  Most other things should be delegated to the “National Assemblies”.  The difficulty will arise as to the redistribution of funds by the central government to the regions.

This is not a simple debate, but there needs to be a realignment of the political structure of the UK to take into account the aspirations of all the nations.  Otherwise we risk a demand for a new referendum and this time from the English.